Cognition Blog
Our blog navigates product development and compliance for the life science industry. Our solutions save time and money, delivering products with less risk.
Medical Device | Product Development | Risk Management | Webinar
David M. Cronin
September 9th, 2022
Medical device development is a complex process, with a critical element focusing on risk management. The consequences of not managing risk properly can be catastrophic.
Medical Device | Product Development | Risk | Risk Management
David M. Cronin
September 28th, 2021
In the highly regulated world of medical device manufacturing, the relentless requirement to minimize and mitigate risk places a huge onus on design, development, and manufacturing teams. That’s why companies, large and small, are looking for software solutions to help ensure consistency and objectivity in the creation, auditing, and monitoring of critical risk management processes.
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design controls | Medical Device | Product Development | Risk | Risk Management
David M. Cronin
August 17th, 2021
Using unstructured tools such as Word and Excel when doing risk management for medical devices could result in harm to a patient. Why? Because many medical devices are complex, with hundreds to thousands of inter-related design inputs/outputs, testing, and risk management data. Managing that amount of data manually is nearly impossible when using tools like Word and Excel...
Medical Device | Product Development
David M. Cronin
October 16th, 2020
Systems engineering should be used more often in medical device product development. This may be a strong statement, but it can be transformative for device development through decreased development costs, streamlining of interactions with the FDA, and reduced time-to-market. We would like to address this through a series of articles on systems engineering role in Medical Device Product Development of which this is the first.
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